Welcome to the New Site
Hello, and a belated Happy New Year. I'm pleased to present the new streamlined DJShadow.com, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year...hopefully you'll find it easy to navigate and use.
If the new site seems restrained and somewhat sparse, there's a reason for that. Ultimately, I've conceded that things like photo galleries, discographies, and the like are better suited to other platforms and forums. As much as I'd love to nerd out and upload a bunch of historical content, this simply isn't the most effective place to share it. So, continue to watch for my very occasional posts on the usual social media channels, and for now, think of this site as a one-stop shop for official information and merchandise. When touring is possible again, we'll announce it here. When new music is available, we'll make it known. When there's a new hoodie or t-shirt...you get the idea.
Parenthetically, I've recently been going through old DJShadow.com shop paperwork from the '00s...printouts of orders, sales data, etc. It's really helped to vividly illustrate to me just how incredible fan support has been through the years. Some names showed up again and again across the decade, ordering just about everything we ever offered. To those people: I see you, and I thank you! I only wish I had the bandwidth back then to acknowledge it properly in real time.
Over these 20 years of stewarding this site, there have been ups and downs...periods of high activity, as well as stretches of silence. Versions with massive amounts of content and pages, and stripped-back iterations like this one. Through it all, the goal has been to compliment my music with something extra, something more, whether it's journal entries or exclusive merchandise. The music always has been, and always will be, the main course. Hopefully this site will continue to provide a little ambiance on the side.
Thank you for visiting,
-DJ Shadow